
Right to education(RTE)

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Right to education(RTE)

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted on 4 August 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children between the age of 6 to 14 years in India under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution.[1] India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came into force on 1 April 2010.The title of the RTE Act incorporates the words ‘free and compulsory’. ‘Free education’ means that no child, other than a child who has been admitted by his or her parents to a school which is not supported by the appropriate Government, shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education.

  • Requirement of document
    • Guardian's Aadhar Card / Passport / Electricity Bill/ Water Bill / Election Card / RationCard / Register Rental Agreement (any one) (Document of where you live will be required)
    • Child's birth certificate
    • Bank passbook (child / mother or father)
    • Aadhar card of child, mother and father
    • income Certificate (Below 1.20 lakh for rural area and 1.50 lakh for urban)
    • Mobile number
    • Passport size photo of the child
    • Mother or father's PAN card (if any)
    • Ration card (if any)
    • Guardian caste certificate (for other than General catagory)
    • Keep a list of 8 to 10 school names